Highlights: This week, coneflowers (Echinacea sp.), Lilies (Lilium sp.), and Hydrangeas (Hydrangea sp.) are among the most prominent genera on view at the gardens this week. All three have an incredible variety in form and color across cultivars—notice these differences and try to find your favorite! When standing by the bridge by an entrance to the Lerner Garden of the Five Senses, a vivid patch of red Lucifer crocosmia (Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’) can be seen playing host to hummingbirds, who flit in and out of the blooms. Calla lilies (Zantedeschia), a guest favorite, are beginning to emerge as well.
Emory Welcome Gardens
1) Pink Fascinator purple coneflower – Echinacea purpurea ‘Pink Fascinator’
2) Miss Willmott’s ghost – Eryngium giganteum
3) Kobold dense blazing star – Liatris spicata ‘Kobold’
4) Lady Luck red-hot poker – Kniphofia ‘Lady Luck’
5) Butterfly™ Rainbow Marcella coneflower – Echinacea ‘Rainb299’
6) Henry Eilers sweet coneflower – Rudbeckia subtomentosa ‘Henry Eilers’
7) Edge of Night calla lily – Zantedeschia ‘Edge of Night’

Butterfly House
1) Swamp milkweed – Asclepias incarnata
2) Great coneflower – Rudbeckia maxima
3) JOSEPHINE clematis – Clematis ‘Evijohill’
4) Early-flowering goldenrod – Solidago juncea
5) Cardinal flower – Lobelia cardinalis
6) White turtlehead – Chelone glabra
7) Steeplebush – Spiraea tomentosa
Pond Garden
1) Daydream smokebush – Cotinus coggygria ‘Daydream’
2) Serendipity ornamental onion – Allium × ‘Serendipity’
3) FIRST EDITIONS® GREAT STAR panicled hydrangea – Hydrangea paniculata ‘Le Vasterival’
4) Black hens and chicks – Sempervivum ‘Black’
5) Burning Hearts false sunflower – Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ‘Burning Hearts’
6) Windy City ornamental onion – Allium × ‘Windy City’
Café Walk
1) Ani Machi hosta – Hosta ‘Ani Machi’
2) Phenomenal® hybrid lavender – Lavandula × intermedia Phenomenal®
3) Summer Beauty ornamental onion – Allium ‘Summer Beauty’
4) Limelight panicled hydrangea – Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’
5) Leopard plant – Ligularia japonica
6) WILD SWAN™ anemone – Anemone ‘MACANE001’

Great Lawn
1) Great coneflower – Rudbeckia maxima
2) Zora lily – Lilium ‘Zora’
3) Unexpected Extra daylily – Hemerocallis ‘Unexpected Extra’
4) Meadow rue – Thalictrum rochebruneanum
5) Gateway spotted Joe-Pye weed – Eutrochium maculatum ‘Gateway’
6) Sage – Salvia yangii
7) Purple coneflower – Echinacea purpurea
Lerner Garden of the Five Senses
1) Danielle garden phlox – Phlox paniculata ‘Danielle’
2) Borrello lily – Lilium ‘Borrello’
3) Pyromania® Hot and Cold red-hot poker – Kniphofia ‘Hot and Cold’
4) Miss Manners obedient plant – Physostegia virginiana ‘Miss Manners’
5) Strawberry Candy daylily – Hemerocallis ‘Strawberry Candy’
6) Felino lily – Lilium ‘Felino’
7) Blue vervain – Verbena hastata var. hastata
8) Lucifer crocosmia – Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’

Slater Forest Pond
1) Assorted water lily cultivars – Nymphaea spp.
2) The Rocket ligularia – Ligularia ‘The Rocket’
3) Black snakeroot – Actaea racemosa
4) Quick Fire panicled hydrangea – Hydrangea paniculata ‘Bulk’ Quick Fire
5) Leopard plant – Ligularia japonica
Cleaver Lawn
1) Sunstruck false sunflower – Heliopsis helianthoides ‘Sunstruck’
2) Dahurian gentian – Gentiana dahurica
3) Drops of Jupiter ornamental oregano – Origanum ‘Drops of Jupiter’
4) Twist-n-Shout bigleaf hydrangea – Hydrangea macrophylla ((Endless Summer) Group) ‘PIIHM-I’ Twist-n-Shout
5) Annabelle smooth hydrangea – Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’
6) RUBY STAR purple coneflower – Echinacea ‘Rubinstern’ Ruby Star
Reiser Woodland Garden
1) Vanilla Gorilla great masterwort – Astrantia major ‘Vanilla Gorilla’
2) Shredded umbrella plant – Syneilesis aconitifolia
3) Munchkin oakleaf hydrangea – Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Munchkin’
4) False hydrangea – Deinanthe bifida
Arbor Garden
1) Monkshood – Aconitum napellus
2) Tea of heaven – Platycrater argute
3) Bottle Rocket leopard plant – Ligularia ‘Bottle Rocket’
4) Downy skullcap – Scutellaria incana
5) Herbstsonne coneflower – Rudbeckia ‘Herbstsonne’
6) Permathread™ Shades of rose tickseed – Coreopsis ‘Shades of Rose’
7) Lesser tiger lily – Lilium leichtlinii

Haney Hillside Garden
1) New Jersey-tea – Ceanothus americanus
2) Kobold Original dense blazing star – Liatris spicata ‘Kobold Original’
3) Purple coneflower – Echinacea purpurea
4) Cardinal flower – Lobelia cardinalis
Vayo Meditation Garden
1) Plumleaf azalea – Rhododendron prunifolium
2) Blue Cross cross gentian – Gentiana cruciata ‘Blue Cross’
3) Ghost Japanese painted fern – Athyrium ‘Ghost’
4) Steeplebush – Spiraea tomentosa
5) Burgundy Lace Japanese painted fern – Athyrium niponicum ‘Burgundy Lace’
Giles Rhododendron and Perennial Garden
1) Annabelle smooth hydrangea – Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’
2) Sprite astilbe – Astilbe simplicifolia ‘Sprite’
3) Paul’s Glory hosta – Hosta ‘Paul’s Glory’
4) Japanese painted fern – Athyrium niponicum ‘Pictum’
5) Rhino Hide hosta – Hosta ‘Rhino Hide’
Bibby and Harold Alfond Children’s Garden
1) Gold Medal water lily – Nymphaea ‘Gold Medal’
2) Lilac Squirrel burnet – Sanguisorba hakusanensis ‘Lilac Squirrel’
3) Invincibelle Spirit smooth hydrangea – Hydrangea arborescens ‘NCHA1’
4) French Tudor daylily – Hemerocallis ‘French Tudor’
5) Various brown-eyed Susan cultivars – Rudbeckia hirta
6) Various coneflower species – Echinacea spp.
7) Rusty foxglove – Digitalis ferruginea
8) Bear’s breeches – Acanthus hungaricus
Burpee Kitchen Garden
1) California poppy – Eschscholzia californica subsp. californica
2) Annabelle smooth hydrangea – Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’
3) Citron daylily – Hemerocallis citrina
4) Dill – Anethum graveolens
5) Double Blue balloon flower – Platycodon grandiflorus ‘Double Blue’
6) Green Twister purple coneflower – Echinacea purpurea ‘Green Twister’
7) Drumstick allium – Allium sphaerocephalon
Education Center Gardens
1) Carolina rose – Rosa carolina
2) Rattlesnake-master – Eryngium yuccifolium
3) Bressingham Doubloon false sunflower – Heliopsis ‘Bressingham Doubloon’
4) Slender mountain mint – Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
5) Purple coneflower – Echinacea purpurea
6) Eastern beebalm – Monarda bradburiana