
A Sad Farewell

Horticulture, News
One last glance at my favorite garden.
 We had some great times together! CMBG horticulture interns along with staff
horticulturist Megan Deveau (on right)
striking a pose at The Arnold Arboretum.
(Photo by Rodney Eason)

It is with mixed emotions that I tell you that this will be my last blog post. I have had an unbelievably great summer here at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, met amazing people, and made life-long friends. Although leaving is hard and very heartbreaking, I am comforted by the fact that I will be able to return next year and continue the internship! That’s right, I am not leaving for good, simply taking a small leave of absence to go back to school. I will be back up here before you know it!

I will dearly miss my fellow interns, Carrington and Montana. We’ve had a good summer of getting to know each other. Its kind of depressing to go home and leave people who are just as nerdy about plants as I am. I have really enjoyed working with all of the horticulture staff. I learned so many different things from each staff member, and all of that information will help me this coming semester at school.

It seems fitting that my last day here would mirror my first day here. Pouring down rain, me on my hands and knees in the Children’s Garden. Only this time I had a much better sense of what I was actually weeding! I can’t even begin to tell you how much I have learned about: botany, pests, design, disease, and the list goes on and on.

Of all the wonderful things that I have had to opportunity to participate in, my favorite was probably getting to watch things grow. To watch the plants take over and fill the garden with beauty, the interns grow to be a part of the horticulture family, and myself grow to be a much more knowledgeable more confident horticulture student.

-Kristin Neill, Continuing Horticulture Intern, (August 8, 2013)