Form and Texture In Graphite I


Delve deeply into the art of graphite drawing. Using simple botanical subjects, this online class will give students confidence in accurately depicting various fruits and vegetables. Using a light source and three-dimensional armature and an emphasis on highlights, mid-tones, and shadow areas, artists will develop an understanding of concave and convex shapes. Students will complete a three-part series of drawings, line, armature, and full tonal graphite drawing. This is a two-day online Zoom class on Thursdays, March 7 and 14. The classes are recorded and available for future viewing.

$65 – $75

Garden Design: A New England Lens


Geography and cultural history are pertinent when making garden design decisions, particularly in New England’s unique and diverse landscapes, from river valleys to rolling fields to narrow, rocky corridors. In this online class, students will learn how to establish a sense of place and belonging wherever their prospective garden will be located in New England. No matter what cultural elements and influences you want to incorporate, this class will help you get creative while staying true to a sense of place. Class Level: Intermediate

$36 – $46