Growing Vegetables & Herbs from Seed

Growing from seed is enormously rewarding, especially when you're growing for the best flavors and nutrition. This two-part online class will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to successfully grow an assortment of vegetables and herbs from seed, whether you're growing on a windowsill, under grow lights, in a hobby greenhouse, or directly in the garden soil. While this class is a part of our adult education offerings, it is open to advanced younger students, ages 14 and older.

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Location: Online
Instructor: John Fromer
Price: $32 / $40

Garden Design: Assess and Sketch

Whether designing a secret garden or an extensive wildflower garden, it’s critical to evaluate, document, and sketch out a setting's details—built features, water movement, sun exposure throughout growing months, soil types and so on. This online session will help students develop longhand documentation and, more importantly, sketch the assessed information, resulting in a visual diagram that provides a clearer understanding of any variables to consider. The more informed you are as a designer, the better a designer you’ll be! We strongly recommend students to have a scaled base-plan in-hand before moving forward with this stage. Upon registration, students will receive a supplies list that will be useful for designing a new garden.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Irene Barber
Price: $36 / $45

Top 20 Hardy and Resilient Perennials

Join us for this online panel presentation where we'll feature 20 hardy and resilient perennials selected by staff horticulturists Jen Dunlap, Courtney Locke, and Delaney Pitman. This group of plants includes those that manage challenging conditions such as dry/wet, windy locations, compacted soils, and which also regenerate quickly after major weather events, on the rise due to climate change. Come learn about plants that will lead to sustaining, high-performing, and beautiful gardens. While this class is a part of our adult education offerings, it is open to advanced younger students, ages 14 and older.

Location: Online
Instructor: Multiple Instructors
Price: $22 / $26

Soils, Mulches, and Amendments

Soils, mulches, and amendments are fundamental for growing plants successfully indoors and out, but it’s easy to be unsure, confused, and overwhelmed. In this webinar, we’ll review what’s what, addressing in-ground and above-ground applications pertinent to vegetable, woodland, or container gardens. We’ll also discuss the variety of manufactured soil and soilless blends, mulches, amendments like composts and mineral additives, the basics of the soil chemistry and biology, and making sustainable choices. While this class is a part of our adult education offerings, it is open to advanced younger students, ages 14 and older.

Location: Online
Instructor: Irene Barber
Price: $22 / $26

Tree Pests: The Future of Tree Selection and Resilience

Trees, whether forest or cultivated species, are experiencing major pest problems, most of which have been brought about by human impact. We’re now left wondering what will happen to Maine's forests and what the impact to our landscape will be. Will there be economic implications? Will some species show more resistance and resilience than others? Will pest species’ life cycles persist or lessen over time? How will these pests impact Maine's nursery and landscaping industry? Allison Kanoti, State Entomologist for the Maine Department of Forestry, will dig into these questions and more, offering clarity that will help us become better prepared and informed.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Allison Kanoti
Price: $12 / $18

Introduction to Kitchen Garden Design

In this two-part online class, we will introduce, review, and practice the art of kitchen garden design. Kitchen garden designer, grower, and author, Ellen Ecker-Ogden, will feature a number of different designs and concepts to inspire you, then explain cultural considerations, artful elements, and plant selection. While this class is a part of our adult education offerings, it is open to advanced younger students, ages 14 and older.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Ellen Ecker Ogden
Price: $40 / $48

Garden Design: Structure and Movement

Once we have the conceptual ideas narrowed down to one or two general schematics of our garden spaces, we can start shaping them with program and structure. Structure and movement consist of more than a row of shrubs, a fence, a path or a wall at your property line – this is how you shape a space, create a sense of enclosure, and lead the eye to landscape destinations. This online lecture and demonstration will identify features and design principles captured initially on trace layers, which will ensure both pragmatic and inspirational function in our gardens. After this class, students will feel empowered to practice on the personal project that will help them prepare for the next class, Garden Design: Details in the Layers. Upon registration, students will receive a list of supplies recommended to pursue their own design project.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Cheryl Salatino
Price: $36 / $45

Top 20 Plants for Winged Companions

Join us for an online panel presentation featuring 20 plants that attract winged companions like the birds, native butterflies, moths, and flying insects that are essential to our ecosystems. Many of the plants we’ll discuss are found in forests, fields, and other natural ecosystems, wonderful species for gardens and rewilding. Staff horticulturists Lesley Paxson, Alicia Miller, and Brent McHale will share their favorites, perfect for your gardens or wild spaces. While this class is a part of our adult education offerings, it is open to advanced younger students, ages 14 and older.

Location: Online
Instructor: Multiple Instructors
Price: $22 / $26

Form and Texture in Graphite I

Thursdays, April 13 & 20, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

In this two day class, delve deeply into the art of graphite drawing. Using simple botanical subjects, this virtual class will give students confidence in accurately depicting various fruits and vegetables. Using a light source and three-dimensional armature and an emphasis on highlights, mid-tones, and shadow areas, artists will develop an understanding of concave and convex shapes. Students will complete a three-part series of drawings, line, armature, and full tonal graphite drawing. While this class is a part of our adult education offerings, it is open to advanced younger students, ages 14 and older.

Location: Online
Instructor: Mindy Lighthipe
Price: $55 / $65

Growing Hydrangeas

Are you interested in growing hydrangeas in your garden? Or maybe your hydrangeas aren’t performing as well as you'd like? Join this online presentation with Horticulturalist Courtney Locke as she provides a thorough overview of the many different types of hydrangeas and how to successfully grow them for bountiful blossoms and sturdy structure.

Location: Online
Instructor: Courtney Locke
Price: $22 / $26

Introduction to Sustainable Gardening

Growing plants can be truly fulfilling, yet at times a bit overwhelming. Both new and seasoned gardeners constantly experience successes and challenges and realize learning curves along the way. In an effort to reduce some costly or aggravating trial-and-error, join us for some guidance and insight into horticulture. This class will provide practical information about sustainable gardening and will include an overview of plant biology, adaptation, habit, and cultivation. We’ll discuss soils, pesky problems, environmental and ecological factors, low-input management, and much more. The goal of this two-part online class is to help all plant lovers feel more confident in growing plants successfully, sustainably, and in abundance. While this class is a part of our adult education offerings, it is open to advanced younger students, ages 14 and older.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Sonja Birthisel, PhD
Price: $30 / $36

Form and Texture in Graphite II

Thursdays, May 4, 11, 18, & 25, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

In a continuation of Form & Texture with Graphite Part I, students will further develop understanding and application of graphite to more complex natural subjects. By using pineapples, pine cones, the interior of a pepper, and so on, students will develop their skills, including working on rendering different pigments in greyscale. Explore the tonal quality and textural differences between the papery skin of a garlic and the deep, dark shine of an eggplant. Learn to translate multi-colored subjects into tonal values, all while maintaining form and perspective. This class will meet via Zoom from 9:30-11:30 on May 4, 11, 18, and 25. Pre-requisite: Suggested as a continuation of Form and Texture with Graphite Part I. While this class is a part of our adult education offerings, it is open to advanced younger students, ages 14 and older.

Location: Online
Instructor: Mindy Lighthipe
Price: $135 / $155

Plants for Pollinators: Who are They?

Interested in learning about plants for pollinators? Want to understand why some plants attract pollinators better than others? For centuries, passionate plantspeople have collected plants from the wild, hoping to enhance floral or foliar displays or increase resistance to disease or pests. But where wildlife is concerned, beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. Join us to learn from our pollinators and see what plants they choose. Join staff Entomologist Zac Smith-Hess to hear what the evolving research says about the ecological evaluation of native straight species, cultivars or non-native plants in built landscapes. We’ll talk about genetic diversity, clonal cultivation, pollinator syndromes, and their role in insect visitation and health.

Zac Smith-Hess’ passion for exploring and connecting people to nature has led him into both formal and informal education. Since graduating with a degree in zoology in 2014, he has spent much of his career working specifically with invertebrates in zoo and classroom settings. His students have called him a true lifelong learner; you can see this when you find him on grounds of the Gardens, providing wandering interpretation or, as he likes to say, just talking about bugs.

Location: Online
Instructor: Zac Smith-Hess
Price: $18 / $22

Resilient Landscapes in Built Environments: Plants and Practices

Tailored to emerging or current professionals in the green industry, Plants and Practices guides students through the valuable process of landscaping with native plants and working in harmony with nature to achieve high-performance, resilient landscape systems. The four-part course features detailed instruction about native woody plants and native herbaceous plants for specific environmental applications; instruction and discussion about effective implementation and long-term management practices for various projects; and how to establish comprehensive, functional, and successful communication between clients and contractors. We will discuss biodiversity in plant communities, plant adaptation, successional design and growth, erosion control, installation of green infrastructure, building trust and establishing landscape programs that include long-term management and design, and much more. These interactive virtual sessions are designed to help native-plant-savvy students plan for the next level of design and management.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Multiple Instructors
Price: $275 / $325

To Peat or Not To Peat, That is the Question

In the horticulture and landscape industry, peat is a ubiquitous material used in potting soils, composts, bales of straight peat, and more. It has long been considered a reliable horticultural resource, and recently, questions around sustainability, sourcing, and its role in climate change mitigation have come to light. In this presentation, peat research specialist Dr. Brian Jackson of North Carolina State University will share valuable information about using or not using peat in your landscape or horticultural practice. Talking points include peat alternatives for growing media, harvest locations and practices, and sourcing materials.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Dr. Brian Jackson
Price: $15 / $18

Winter Gardens Book Club

Now that the garden work is settling down, it’s a great time to read those books you’ve been meaning to get to! Join the conversation as we discuss four acclaimed books with nature at their core. We’ll conduct these conversations via Zoom, so anyone can participate regardless of where they spend their winters. Just sign up, read the selection and then join the group by logging into the Zoom meeting that day.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Sarah Callan

Converting Lawn to Meadow: Design & Management

An increasing area of interest for gardeners and landscape clients is to convert a lawn space into a beautiful native wildflower ecosystem, benefiting insects, pollinators, and humans alike. Robert Graham, Land Steward of New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill, will share insights on how to make a thriving wildflower garden. We'll dive into design considerations, the conversion process, and learnings from New England Botanics' own managed meadow space. You'll leave with tools for budgeting, timelines, and realistic management strategies to get the best out of your landscape projects.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Robert Graham
Price: $15 / $18

Resilient Landscapes in Built Environments: Design & Structural Components

Resilient landscapes in built environments are connected to the larger, evolving environment. Incorporating low-maintenance design and high-performance results, resilient landscapes sustain and regenerate under stressful environmental conditions rather than falling victim to stressors. These are aesthetic powerhouse systems providing ecological services, giving the landscape professional the opportunity to evolve their business and adapt to the changing environment. In Section I, Design and Structural Components, we will identify and assess the design process and factors, including ecological principles, processes, and materials, in order to create systems that are resilient and regenerative. Four separate online sessions focus on: Ecological Design for Resilience, Applied Soils: Restore and Engineer, Systematic Solutions to Water Management, and Sustainable Materials. Class Level: Advanced

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Location: Online
Instructor: Multiple Instructors
Price: $275 / $350

Plant Nurseries in New England: Experiences on How to Start & Succeed

If you've ever considered starting a plant nursery, this one's for you. Whether your goals are driven by a passion for plants, frustrations with supply, or a desire to meet local needs, our panel of three nursery growers and owners will share recommendations for success. Leveraging their different business models, we'll cover everything from sustainability, the changing business climate, lessons learned, and motivations and goals for owning a nursery.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Multiple Instructors
Price: $15 / $18

Pruning for Beginners

This online lecture and slideshow presentation will introduce students to the fundamentals of pruning. The discussion will include plants, seasonal timing, techniques, tools, and more. Lose your fear of pruning and discover how fun and approachable it is with the appropriate tools. Class Level: Beginner

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Location: Online
Instructor: Irene Barber
Price: $25 / $30

Garden Design: Foundations & Inspirations

Whether designing one garden or several, the first step is to learn the foundation and classical inspirations of garden design. In this online class, Irene Barber, landscape designer and Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens’ Adult Education Program Manager, will introduce students to garden themes from different cultures and civilizations, all of which are essential to the principles and elements of today's design. Class Level: Intermediate

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Location: Online
Instructor: Irene Barber
Price: $36 / $46

Invasive Plant Management: Lessons Learned

Support healthy gardens while tackling invasive plant issues with skills learned in this valuable presentation. Chris Polatin, restoration ecologist with Land Stewardship, Inc., will discuss how he incorporates Integrated Pest Management into successful mitigation practices. Developed over 20 years as an ecological restoration practitioner, Chirs has honed his skills and will share what to do, what not to do, and what are the most feasible outcomes. Additionally, we'll cover commonly encountered and emerging invasive plant species, seasonal consideration and prioritization, and native plant revegetation strategies. Landscape and garden professionals will leave with tangible mitigation tools and resources for additional support.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Chris Polatin
Price: $15 / $18

Form and Texture In Graphite I

Delve deeply into the art of graphite drawing. Using simple botanical subjects, this online class will give students confidence in accurately depicting various fruits and vegetables. Using a light source and three-dimensional armature and an emphasis on highlights, mid-tones, and shadow areas, artists will develop an understanding of concave and convex shapes. Students will complete a three-part series of drawings, line, armature, and full tonal graphite drawing. This is a two-day online Zoom class on Thursdays, March 7 and 14. The classes are recorded and available for future viewing.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Mindy Lighthipe
Price: $65 / $75

Staff Top 20 Evergreen Plants

Evergreens offer our New England landscape contrast, depth, and year-round appeal. Staff horticulturists Kelsie Birney, Courtney Locke, and Alicia Miller introduce 20 of their favorite evergreen species. From groundcovers to trees, broadleaf to conifers, they'll highlight a variety of species that will fit small or large garden spaces.

Class Level: All Levels

Location: Online
Instructor: Multiple Instructors
Price: $15 / $28

Orientation to the Certificate in Native Plants & Ecological Horticulture

For prospective and current students of the Certificate in Native Plants and Ecological Horticulture course. This session initiates a student's enrollment and provides a detailed overview of the comprehensive curriculum. We will explain the different tracks for completing the program, including specific information about core and elective courses, the instructors, and the schedule that can be adapted to students' budgets and availability. Experienced hobbyist gardeners or professional gardeners interested in building their proficiency in New England native plants and horticulture practices that support ecology are encouraged to attend the orientation session to learn more about the entire program.

Class Level: Intermediate

Location: Online
Instructor: Multiple Instructors
Price: $25

Soils, Mulches, and Amendments

Knowing the basics of soils, mulches, and amendments is essential for growing plants successfully indoors and out. In this webinar, we'll demystify and instill confidence by reviewing various in-ground and above-ground applications, from perennial borders to container gardens. This class is perfect for all gardeners, either starting out or in need of a refresher. Class Level: Beginner-Intermediate

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Location: Online
Instructor: Irene Barber
Price: $22 / $28

Designing with Native Shrubs: Formal to Naturalized Applications

From ornamental to functional benefits, there are many opportunities to use native shrubs in any landscape. It's time to scratch privet off the shopping list and add New England native plants, northern bayberry or fragrant summersweet. In this online presentation, we'll see examples of various native shrubs and discuss their applications and plant combinations. Whether you're doing a formal garden perimeter or a wildlife habitat naturalizing project, we'll share management practices and plant selection to help you meet your design goals.

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Location: Online
Price: $15 / $18

Garden Design: Assess and Sketch

Whether designing a secret garden or an extensive wildflower garden, it's critical to evaluate, document, and sketch out a setting's existing details—built features, water movement, sun exposure throughout growing months, soil types, etc. This online session will help students develop longhand documentation and, more importantly, mark the assessed information, resulting in a visual diagram that provides a clearer understanding of any variables to consider. The more informed you are as a designer, the better a designer you'll be! We strongly recommend students have a scaled base plan before moving forward with this stage. Class Level: Intermediate

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Location: Online
Instructor: Cheryl Salatino
Price: $36 / $46

Form and Texture In Graphite 2

In a continuation of Form & Texture with Graphite Part I, students will further develop their understanding and application of graphite to more complex natural subjects. By using pineapples, pine cones, the interior of a pepper, and so on, students will develop their skills, including working on rendering different pigments in greyscale. Explore the tonal quality and textural differences between the papery skin of garlic and the deep, dark shine of an eggplant. Learn to translate multi-colored subjects into tonal values, all while maintaining form and perspective. This class will meet via Zoom from 9:30-11:30 a.m. on March 21 & 28 and April 4 & 11. Pre-requisite: Suggested as a continuation of Form and Texture with Graphite Part I. These classes are recorded and available for future viewing.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Mindy Lighthipe
Price: $145 / $165

White Pine Cone and Chick-a-Dee

Join us as we celebrate the Maine state bird, the Black-capped Chickadee, and the unique state flower, the White Pine Cone and Tassel (Pinus strobus, linnaeus). Learn about this tiny bird from egg to feather and its deciduous habitat as we explore anatomy and composition. By the end of the four-week online class, students will create an original painting of a Black-capped Chickadee on a White Pine tree branch with a pine cone! All levels are welcome. Suitable for teens 14+. Students can work in watercolor or colored pencil.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Mindy Lighthipe
Price: $180 / $260

Certificate In Botanical Arts Orientation

Are you interested in learning more about our Certificate In Botanical Arts Program? Enroll in this 60-minute online orientation to hear about the courses, workshops, and other program requirements. Students who complete the program will receive a certificate and an opportunity to exhibit their work at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. It is a requirement that all Certificate students must be Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens Members. The orientation will take place on Zoom and will be recorded for those who cannot attend live.

Location: Online
Instructor: Caroline Davis
Price: $25

Green Spotlight Series: Sustainable Lawn Opportunities

What if you could grow a lawn that required barely any mowing, no pesticides or irrigation, and fostered pollinators and other wildlife? Tom Christopher will share his years of research and experience creating and maintaining such alternative greenswards. Transform turf into a healthy and attractive asset for the local ecosystem while saving money and reducing maintenance. Yes, the grass—and other adapted plants—can be greener on your side of the fence. Level: Intermediate to Advanced.

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Location: Online
Instructor: Thomas Christopher
Price: $18 / $25

Resilient Landscapes in Built Environments: Plants and Practices (Sold Out)

This class is sold out, but please click "Learn More" to join our waitlist. | Tailored to emerging or current professionals in the green industry, Plants and Practices guides students through the valuable process of landscaping with native plants and working in harmony with nature to achieve high-performing, resilient landscape systems. The four-part course features detailed instruction about native woody plants and native herbaceous plants for specific environmental applications; instruction and discussion about effective implementation and long-term management practices for various projects; and how to establish comprehensive, functional, and successful communication between clients and contractors. We will discuss biodiversity in plant communities, plant adaptation, successional design and growth, erosion control, installation of green infrastructure, building trust and establishing landscape programs that include long-term management and design, and much more. These interactive virtual sessions will help native-plant-savvy students plan for the next level of design and management. Class Level: Advanced

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Location: Online
Instructor: Multiple Instructors
Price: $260 / $325

Green Spotlight Series: Rebuilding Abundance

There is a pressing need for more inspiring and ecologically rich planting in our urban and rural landscapes. Constraints such as tight budgets, environmental extremes, and limited familiarity with diverse planting systems among clients and crews present significant challenges. Representing Phyto Studio, Claudia will delve into the scientific models and techniques to surmount these obstacles. Join us as she shares insights on enriching, even the most challenging, spaces with evocative planting, offering ecologically rich, appealing, resilient, and maintainable solutions. Level: Intermediate to Advanced

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Location: Online
Instructor: Claudia West
Price: $24 / $30

Green Spotlight Series: Small Trees for Tough Spaces

It can sometimes take a small tree to solve a big landscape problem. Explore the toughest understory, ornamental, and native trees that can adapt to challenging growing conditions and still provide beauty and ecological function to any garden or landscape. Arborist Chris Roddick will share his over 30 years of experience planting, growing, and caring for trees from compacted contaminated urban soils to rural development sites with stripped-away topsoil. We’ll look at different tree species that can help build back soil health or remediate drainage problems, as well as trees that best provide food and habitat for wildlife while adding beauty to an assortment of garden environments. Level: Intermediate to Advanced

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Location: Online
Instructor: Christopher Roddick
Price: $18 / $25