Gardenshop welcomes submissions for consideration, especially work from our vibrant community of local artists and makers. We accept work that meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • Locally produced
  • Ethically sourced
  • Made with sustainable practices
  • Made with recycled material
  • Made with plant-based material
  • and always supportive of our mission: to inspire meaningful connections among people, plants and nature through horticulture, education, and research.

If you make something, or know someone who does, that you think would be right for us, the best way to submit your work is via email to: Photos, if possible, are always helpful. If you would like to send us work directly, send it to: Gardenshop, Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, PO Box 234, Boothbay, ME 04537. Work submitted directly will become property of CMBG and the Gardenshop unless you indicate otherwise. If you want us to return your work, please include a self-addressed envelope with the correct postage.